March Prayer Meetings
Join us for our fortnightly prayer meetings.
7pm at Christ First Church (unless otherwise arranged).
Join us for our fortnightly prayer meetings.
7pm at Christ First Church (unless otherwise arranged).
Calling all men who are hungry for a good breakfast and hearty conversations with their fellow brothers. More details to come!
A time to combine the LifeGroups for fellowship.
Bring a dessert to share!
Please note we have no Sunday gatherings 29th Dec and 5th Jan.
We look forward to meeting again on the 12th of January 2025!
For to us a child is born... Jesus, son of God and Saviour of the world!
Celebrate the reason for the season with us on Sunday 22nd, 10am.
Let's finish the year with a family feast!
Downstairs at the church building, 5:30pm on Friday 13th Dec.
You're invited to join us for a weekend of prayer and fasting at the start of December. We plan to set aside time from Friday evening (6th) till the breaking of bread at our service together on Sunday (8th). Our heart is to see God move powerfully throughout Christmas and New Years. We long to see His Kingdom come and will be done in the church and in the Nelson community.
We're so excited for our annual conference coming up in October! These occasions are always an incredible time with God and with the wider NCMI fellowship.
Another opportunity for sisters to get together! Join us for afternoon tea and fellowship on Saturday 21st September. 3pm at Natalie's home.
We look forward to joining with Hope Nelson on Sunday the 1st of September! Praying for a rich time in God as we come together as one.
10am at Greenmeadows Centre.
Hey guys, join us at McCashins for a hearty catch up over a bite to eat!
Saturday 24th Aug at 3pm!
Join us for a time of input from our dear friends and co-labourers in Christ, Mark and Col Meeske.
Join us at the beach on Friday and at ChristFirst on Sunday to worship King Jesus!
Join us as we learn what it is to - come to Jesus, grow in Jesus and go with Jesus.
Sunday mornings at 10am.
Though our formal gatherings may take a break, keep being the church, the body of Christ!
It’s awesome to get together and cheer each other on in the Lord. This year our national conference is being held in Manukau Auckland. Exciting times ahead!
A fun way to get to know each other better… food and fellowship in homes around the community!
Calling all ladies and lasses… join us for an afternoon of fun, food and fellowship :-)
Join us for a potluck dinner on the first Sunday of June. 5pm at Christfirst. Note: no morning service that day.